Recover Faster & Avoid Disaster
As an athlete & fitness enthusiast, what are you doing to maintain your health & keep your body strong?! Parents, what are you doing to prioritize your athletes' health & keep them in the game?!
High school & travel sports have increased their practice & game commitments over the last decade and it’s becoming a year long experience!
Adults often neglect their bodies and end up hurting themselves due to overtraining & not recovering properly!
Professional sports teams & organizations spend millions of dollars on muscle recovery for their athletes! We want to help you and your child experience these benefits for only a fraction of the cost & help everyone healthy. Health = Wealth!
Why Muscle Recovery?
HVA is committed to provide preventative care & recovery services to our local athletes & community. Our unique modalities are based on science-based research & are proven to help keep you healthy, active & in the game!
Fast & Effective
Our services only need approximately 30 minutes to deliver adequate & beneficial recovery value. Athletes & community members can come in before school/work or after.
Our recovery techniques are safe and focused to provide the best care & results. Modalities are gentle & evidence based.

We aim to bridge the gap between workouts & physical therapy. We aim to keep you in the game & doing what you love!

What Are The Benefits Of Muscle Recovery?
Reduce Inflammation
Prevent Injuries
Decrease muscle soreness
Repair your body
Promote blood circulation
Decrease recovery time
Increase workout output
Why Do I Need Muscle Recovery?
Between practices, games, travel & workouts, there is simply not enough time spent on proper recovery. All of the benefits of muscle recovery will translate to better results, better game play & an increase in health & longevity. When your body is able to recover more quickly, you can train harder, train longer, decrease fatigue & muscle soreness. This will lead to better all around athletic results!

How Does Membership Work?
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Book Your Free Session!
Attened & Experience The Benefits!
Claim Your Membership Appointment VIP Card!

Are you ready to take your athletic career, fitness & health to the next level?!
If you're ready to prevent injuries & start maximizing your potential, click the button below to try our muscle recovery services for free! Don’t let soreness or injury have a negative impact on you ability to perform at your highest level & keep you healthy!