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But what’s most important is who you’re going to become…


You will become unstoppalbe, unbreakable, a more effective leader & role model! You'll not only transform your life, but you will inspire people around you to be the highest version of themselves.

You’re going to develop an even stronger mindset & undeniable level of confidence! You will radiate positivity & savageness everywhere you go. You will become unstoppable and you will live your life full of purpose & passion.

You’ll never question yourself again & doubt what you're capable of! You will be successful in all your endeavors because you've proven to yourself that you have what it takes and now that you're done holding yourself back...NOTHING can stop you.

The SOA Challenge will absolutely be physically demanding…BUT…it will be just as mentally demanding!

Each obstacle, challenge & training session will be mental warfare against the shell of your former self.


So after each event, that shell holding you back from reaching a new level of growth will begin to crack…and then…

Which will make it easier for you to step into the person you know you can be and were destined to be.


Discover How This 1-Day Event Will Destroy Your Limiting Beliefs

AND Rewire Your  Body & Mind To Reach Ultimate Success!

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Words From Coach Ryan Naccarato

The SOA Challenge is a 12-hour experience for men & women who want to be tested, pushed & challenged like never before!
One of my favorite sayings is…

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
-Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr

If you never force yourself out of your comfort zone…you will NEVER grow. You will NEVER progress & you will NEVER reach your full potential.

The only way to address this, is to stretch yourself beyond your current limitations & beliefs.

And I think this is why you’re here right now reading this. You’re looking for something to take you out of your comfort zone, something that will allow you to break through your current plateaus & something that will ultimately propel you to new heights.

Doing this will allow you to have a larger impact on your life, your family, your community & your aspirations.

And in these next few minutes, you’ll discover how you can CRUSH your existing limits and completely LEVEL UP your life in less than a day!

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You know you have more left in the tank. More things to accomplish.
 mountains to conquer.

So now it’s time to become that great LEADER, create that LEGACY & make that

IMPACT that you were put on this earth to do!

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I’m the creator of the SOA Challenge & founder of:

Hudson Valley Ambition (Outdoor Group Fitness Boot Camp)

L.E.A.D.E.R. Program (Online Coaching)


So why should you listen to me & invest in this challenge? Here’s why:

I’ve helped countless men & women transform their lives & bodies.

I get hired as a motivational speaker for middle school, high school & college students & athletes and help them overcome adversity, build resilience & master their mindset.

I’ve held leadership positions such as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, director of health, physical education & athletics.

I’ve successfully coached multiple sports teams and helped athletes reach new levels and be successful both in school & on the playing field.

I launched a business during the pandemic when the world was shutting down to provide men & women with an opportunity to regain their health & take their life back. The business today is growing & is impacting the lives of many.

I was voted the #1 personal trainer in the Hudson Valley in 2022 & 2023.

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The year is 2023! Now is the time to put yourself in uncomfortable situations so that you can grow as an individual & make a larger impact on those around you!


The SOA Challenge is designed to help you shatter your limiting beliefs & negative self-talk that currently has you stuck in life.

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This 1-Day Experience…

Will Set The Tone For The Rest Of Your Life!

The SOA Challenge will allow you to skyrocket your personal growth, problem solving & communication skills and your authentic leadership ability!

Here Is What You’re Going To Go Through During The SOA Challenge!
(Without Giving Too Much Away)

You will endure a series of physical challenges, obstacles & tasks both individually & alongside your teammates! You will be tested over & over again with many different adverse situations that you must overcome & force your body to complete.

You’ll endure mental warfare & be consistently pushed to your breaking point! But…once you dig deep & overcome, you’ll see that you can achieve anything in life that you put your mind to.

You’re going to come out of this challenge as the 2.0 version of yourself! Upon completion, you’ll discover your true physical & mental strength that will propel you to new levels of success.

Now that you have a feel of how you will be tested, pushed & challenged…

Here Is What’s Going To Happen After You Go Through The SOA Challenge!

You will eliminate any resistance, lack of action & procrastination towards achieving your goals! You will have the mindset to consistently make progress & move the needle in your life.

Pushing your limits & boundaries of what you’re capable of will become 2nd nature! This 1 day event will help you break barriers & smash through plateaus so you can take your life to new heights.

Your going to establish a whole new level emotional & mental discipline & grit! This will allow you to overcome any personal or professional obstacles that you will face.


Here Are The Details Of The Savage Over Average Challenge

LOCATION: Downtown Kingston, NY

DATE: Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 5am-5pm



Champions Celebration (Finishers Only): 7-8pm Mariners Harbor




Paid In Full: $350 (Save $20)

2 Payments Of: $185

AFTER 8/15

Paid In Full: $400 (Save $20)

2 Payments Of: $210

Your Investment Includes:  

12 Hour Challenge

SOA T-Shirt



Post Challenge Get Together

1 Month Of Online Coaching

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Since the SOA Challenge will be physically demanding, I want to make sure you’re ready to complete each individual & team experience!

This way, you won’t be left behind or be seen as the “weakest link” or everyone’s last pick to join their team.

So instead of falling behind & having others up your slack, if you prepare effectively, you will be there to pick anyone up & lead from the front!

You will recieve some WORKOUT & NUTRITION guidance to help you best prepare for completion & success!

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Look, your entire life is a byproduct of the micro & macro decisions you’ve made.

Easy decisions lead to a hard life.

Hard decisions lead to an easy life.

I’ve found that the more you run from, avoid and ignore the pain and adversity…the more jacked up your life becomes.

You’re one decision away from a completely different life!


“There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you’ll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment.”

-Nick Saban

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  • What is the Savage Over Average Challenge?
    The Savage Over Average Challenge is a 12-hour event that will test you both physically & mentally. It will inspire you, force you to push past your limiting beliefs & begin to level up your life.
  • Who is the Savage Over Average Challenge for?
    If you’re someone who wants more out of life. You want to unleash your greatness. You want to maximize your potential. You’re tired of living an average life & you want to flip the switch into SAVAGE mode and become the 2.0 version of yourself…this challenge is for you!
  • What is the Age Requirement?
    18 and older
  • Where Is The Challenge Located?
    Downtown Kingston, NY. When you join, you’ll be sent the specific details you need.
  • What Is The Investment?
    Early Bird Before 8/15 One Payment of $350 (Save $30) Two Payments of $190 After 8/15 One Payment of $400 (Save $30) Two Payments of $215
  • The Investment Is High, Not Sure If I Can Afford It?
    You’re right. The investment is too “high” because you’re thinking too SMALL. If you want to do BIG things and move the needle in your life, you need to invest in yourself so that you give yourself the power to outgrow your 1.0 self & transform into your 2.0 self.
  • What Gear Do I Need?
    Backpack, water bottle, extra pair of sneakers, 2 pair of socks, change of clothes, towel
  • Do I Need To Train For This 12-Hour Challenge?
    Yes. I highly recommend you train and prepare yourself for this challenge. You will be performing many different physically demanding tasks. You will be tested physically & mentally and will come out with a newfound level of grit, passion & purpose. You’ll also receive a training & nutrition guide when you join to help prepare you.
  • Are Spectators Allowed?
    No, spectators are not allowed.
  • How Do I Get Started?
    That’s the easiest part. To start pushing your boundaries to what is possible if you apply yourself & commit. Click the button below! There will be a limited number of spots for this challenge. It’s time to overcome any mental obstacles holding you back. It’s time to push past any current boundaries that exist. Time to establish a new level of toughness & grit. Time to level up your mindset!

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