Classes will be up tempo, fast paced, challenging & fun 45 minute workouts.
Morning Class- 5:30am Usually Tues & Thurs
Evening Class- 6:15pm Usually Tues & Thurs
Saturday Class- 9am
*Class days & times are subject to change*
A minimum of 75% attendance is required each boot camp in order to stay in the program. That means you MUST attend at least 3 out of 4 classes if you're attending Saturdays only, 6 out of 8 classes if you’re on a 2x per workout plan or 9 out of 12 classes if you’re on a 3x per week workout plan. Ideally, you SHOULD have a 100% attendance rate! INVEST in YOU & COMMIT to TRANSFORMING your LIFE! EVERY TEAM MEMBER NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE IF WE ARE GOING TO BE STRONG & REACH OUR GOALS! IF you don’t meet this requirement you will not be eligible for the following camp. Your eligibility will return for the camp after next (take a month off and decide how much your health & fitness means to you! Nothing personal!)
Additionally, the 1st class of the month is MANDATORY to attend! Ideally, think of it as ALL CLASSES ARE MANDATORY! GO ALL IN on your goals & dreams. HVA will help you get there!
*Individual situations/scenarios may be taken into consideration by Coach Nac*
All campers will be strongly encouraged to step on our body composition BMI scale that calculates measurements like weight, BMI body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age and more! This is a great way to analyze data in relation to your progress & measure how you’re performing.
During the first class of camp each month, there will be fitness testing to establish your baseline level. The test will consist of pushups AMRAP in 60 seconds, curl ups AMRAP in 60 seconds & Squats AMRAP in 60 seconds vs Sandbag. In the spring, there will be an agility assessment added once the weather improves. On the last day of camp, we will complete again and compare the numbers with the goal of improving muscular strength, endurance & overall fitness! Tests may be updated as deemed necessary.
Camp Pricing
4 week 4 classes price (Saturdays) $75
4 week 8 classes price (2x per week) $150
4 week 12 classes price (3x per week) $225​
Payment is due at the 1st class for accountability!
Pricing Information: You will receive extreme value from being an HVA Team member such as high quality workouts, nutritional guidance, a family atmosphere, ultimate motivation, accountability & more! Team apparel and outings will be ordered and organized as well. We are a FAMILY!
Funds will go towards securing more workout equipment, purchasing camper apparel/clothing, assisting with the HVA van expenses and the INVESTMENT in YOU to hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE and get to ALL of the workouts. MAKE PROGRESS, NOT EXCUSES! HVA WILL TRANSFORM YOUR BODY & LIFE IF YOU GO ALL IN!
2022 HOT STREAK! Must Join The Next Camp To Receive Award!
Successfully complete 3 boot camps in a row and HVA will pay you $10!​
Successfully complete 6 boot camps in a row and HVA will pay you $25!​
Successfully complete 9 boot camps in a row and HVA will pay you $50!​
Successfully complete all 12 boot camps in a row and HVA will pay you $100 AND a FREE Camp!​
*If you commit & invest in you...then you deserve to be rewarded! HVA values you!*
Spring Fling: 4/23 Hike @ Poets Walk 10:30am​
Summer Kick Off: 6/18 @ Waterfront Rip Van Winkle 1:30pm​
Summer Fun: 7/8 @ Mariners Harbor 7pm
Team Dinner: 8/13 @ Golden Ginza 6pm
Summer Fun II: 8/19 Mariners Harbor 7pm
Hooley: 9/4 @ 11am
Italian Fest: 10/9 @ 11am
Fall Outing: 10/23 Keegan Ales @ 4pm
Friendsgiving: 11/27 Mariners Harbor @1pm​
Christmas Get Together/End of Year Awards: 12/18 Ole Savannah @ 3pm​
*Event dates are subject to change*
Earn 1 raffle ticket for each Saturday only camp you successfully complete, earn 2 raffle ticekts for each 2x per week camp you successfully complete and 3 raffle tickets for each 3x per week camp you successfully complete! If you complete 10, 3x per week camps in 2022, you get 30 tickets! The more camps you complete, the more tickets you earn, the better chance you have at winning some awesome prizes! Prizes will be drawn at the end of the year event gathering in December.
January: 1/3-1/27​
February: 2/1-2/24​
March: 3/1-3/24
April: 3/29-4/21
May: 4/26-5/19
June: 5/31-6/23
July: 7/5-7/28​
​August: 8/9-9/1
September: 9/6-9/29
October: 10/4-27
November: 11/1-11/23
December: 11/29-12/22
*Dates subject to change*
Let's Do This & Make 2022 Our Best Year...TOGETHER!
Coach Nac